

Email: mps_scholars@berkeley.edu

Phone: 510-664-502

Office: Campbell Hall - Room 501C

Office HoursTues, Wed, Thurs for Spring 2023


Welcome to MPS Scholars! 

MPS Scholars launched in fall 2022 to support students in successfully navigating the physical sciences and mathematics. This initiative is designed to support undergraduate students in achieving their academic goals and ambitions by offering mentorship, academic and professional development, and access to the dynamic, diverse scientific community here at UC Berkeley. As MPS Scholars undergraduate students will have access to a network of peers, staff, faculty, and graduate students who will help you succeed as a scientist or mathematician.

How it started

The Mathematical and Physical Sciences Dean’s Task Force on Undergraduate Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access was established in 2019 to enable a coordinated approach to providing faculty, student, and staff insight and input to the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) Divisional Dean and other MPS and campus leaders. The Task Force focused on opportunities for Berkeley to increase diversity and attain equitable outcomes for all undergraduates in our diverse community. The Task Force provided advice and recommendations about opportunities and challenges, strategies, and choices that UC Berkeley should consider for improving retention rates and increasing greater diversity, inclusion, and equity. The task force recommended the creation of MPS Scholars as its highest priority. 

Who we serve

We welcome all undergraduate students intended and declared MPS majors to participate in activities and resources offered by the MPS Scholars.

The MPS Scholars Community 

MPS Scholars is part of the Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences that is made of the astronomy, physics, mathematics, and Earth and planetary sciences departments. All students (undergraduate and graduate), staff, postdoctoral scholars and faculty across the division are invited to participate in and benefit from MPS Scholars mentoring, research opportunities, courses, events, orientations, workshops and other activities. 


Earth and Planetary Sciences




MPS Scholars is supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation fosters path-breaking scientific discovery, environmental conservation, patient care improvements and preservation of the special character of the Bay Area. Visit Moore.org and follow @MooreFound.

This website is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Logo