


Phone: 510-664-502

Office: Campbell Hall - Room 501C

Office HoursTues, Wed, Thurs for Spring 2023


Faculty mentor, Professor Eugene Chiang talking to students at a mentoring event

MPS Scholars Mentorship 

MPS Scholars mentors play an essential role in helping students navigate the math and physical sciences at Berkeley and beyond. Mentors make sure that students are connected to a supportive network of faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Mentors foster positive relationships with students, providing guidance that aligns with students’ identities, interests, and goals. Integrating with existing mentoring programs in the division, the MPS Scholars Mentorship model takes a collaborative and coordinated approach to offering mentorship that is tailored to every student's specific needs. 


  • Increase the success of students in MPS
  • Provide all enrolled MPS undergraduates with consistent mentoring by successful scientists and advanced students with whom the student can identify and to whom they can relate.
  • Support students’ development of a scientific identity
  • Enhance students’ experience of belonging in the scientific community and at UC Berkeley

Mentorship Structure & Components

MPS Scholars uses a group mentoring model that allows students to benefit from multi-contextual and multi-generational guidance. Lower-division students are mentored by upper-division students, who are then mentored by graduate students, faculty and alumni. We partner with student organizations in the MPS division, for example, those supported by the Astronomy and Physics Berkeley Discoverand the Math and Physics' Berkeley Connect programs to provide students with multiple pathways to access mentorship so that students find a place where their identities, interests, and ambitions, are recognized and celebrated.

The MPS Scholars mentorship model includes the following components: 

  • 1-on-1 meetings
  • Group meetings
  • Workshops and Community Building Events
  • Training and Staff Support

Example of the MPS Scholars mentoring structure: 

MPS Scholars Mentorship pyramid


All enrolled students who are intended or declared in the following majors are invited and encouraged to join the MPS Scholars Mentorship Program.

MPS Departments: Majors: 
Astronomy Department Astrophysics
Earth and Planetary Science (EPS) Department

Environmental Earth Science
Marine Science
Planetary Science

Physics Department Physics
Mathematics Department

Applied Mathematics

Join the MPS Scholars mentorship initiative!

Visit the mentor and mentee information pages (links below) to participate in MPS Scholars mentorship.  

Become a mentor! Faculty, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students and alumni can be mentors. 

Become a mentee! Undergraduate students with declared or with intention declare MPS majors are encouraged connect with mentors.