Mentors play an essential role in helping students navigate the math and physical sciences (MPS) at Berkeley and beyond. A supportive network of faculty, staff, students, and alumni can make all the difference in the experience of students in MPS majors. Through the MPS Scholars division-wide offerings, you will have numerous opportunities to develop positive relationships between yourself and your mentors.
The MPS Scholars mentorship model is deeply embedded in each MPS department and aims to increase the retention and success of students in MPS, provide students with consistent and culturally centered mentoring, and enhance students’ scientific identity and sense of belonging at UC Berkeley. To achieve this, MPS Scholars offers multiple access points for undergraduate students to engage with mentors. This includes mentorship through student organizations, MPS Scholars Mentorship groups, and Berkeley Connect (in Physics and Math).
MPS Scholars Mentoring Network
How it works:
Access to Mentorship |
Students can access mentorship through 1. Student Organizations
Click here to read more about MPS student organzations. 2. MPS Scholars Mentoring 3. Berkeley Connect (Math/Physics 1-credit course) |
Meeting Frequency |
We expect mentees to dedicate 8-10 hours per semester to the MPS Scholars Mentorship Program. This includes 1-on-1 and group meetings with your mentors, check-ins with program staff, and events. |
Time Commitment |
3 meetings with undergraduate mentor OR 3 meetings with undergraduate mentor |